
PRISMA-sprintti in Lohja 25th May 2017

Open national sprint competition. Before the competition, the World Cup Sprint qualification will be organized using the same competition centre.

Competition Rules: The rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation (FOF) apply together with the instructions given by the organizer.

Classes: H/D21E, H/D21A, H/D35, H/D40, H/D45, H/D50, H/D55, H/D60, H/D65, H/D70, H/D75, H/D20, H/D18, H/D16, H/D14, H/D12, H/D10

30 runners in the class H21E and 25 runners in the class D21E will be selected based on the ranking position on Finnish sprint ranking list 2016. In addition to Finnish runners, max 8 foreign runners can be chosen to H21E and max 4 foreign runners can be chosen to D21E. Selected foreign runners must be at least on equal level as chosen Finnish runners. Additionally, the organizer can choose max 2 runners to both classes discretionarily. Runners not chosen in E-classes will be moved to classes H/D21A, with no refund.

Course Lenghts: According to sprint orienteering rules, estimated times 12-15 min.

Entry Fees: H/D21E (21 €), H/D21A (20 €), H/D35-75 (20 €), H/D18-20 (20 €), H/D10-16 (12 €)

Map: Sprint maps are made by Arvo Paulin, printed 5/2017, 6-coloured, scale 1:4 000, contour interval 2,5 m, A4 size.

Entries: Entries by midnight on Sunday 21st May. Entries are done using IRMA-system. Instructions for foreign runners not representing a Finnish club: .

Late Entries: Late entries using IRMA-system or by email by midnight on Tuesday 23rd with double entry fee. Late entry competitors must pay the entry fee immediately to Hiidenkiertäjät ry; Bank: Länsi-Uudenmaan Säästöpankki; Bank address: Laurinkatu 48, 08100 Lohja, Finland; BIC: ITELFIHH; IBAN: FI4340061040024444. The participant shall pay all bank transfer fees.

Start: The first start is at 1.30 pm.

Punching System: Emit punching system will be used in all classes. Provide your Emit card number in your registration. Organizer will reserve a rental Emit card (5 € / competition) for participants who have not provided an Emit card number. Charge for a lost rental Emit card is 70 €.

Signposting: Driving instructions will be signposted from the cross of roads Lohjanharjuntie (road 1125) and Lehmijärventie. Address for navigation: Lehmijärventie 5, Lohja.

Parking: 0,5 – 1 km from the competition centre.

Prizes: The amount of prizes in each class will be announced in competition instructions.

Main officials:

  • Competition Manager: Timo Hietaoja,, +358 44 374 0150
  • Course setters: Jarkko Saarinen and Manne Suominen
  • Information Officer: Essi Kangasaho,, +358 50 306 4660
  • Controller: Jouko Jylhä, Espoon Suunta

Training: Training possibilities are organized by Hiidenkiertäjät. For more information, visit

Additional information: Competition instructions, start times and other information:

